Important Factors to Consider When Selecting Fire Rated Cable
A fire rated cable is one that can operate safely for an extended period of time under flame-burning conditions. High-rise structures, subways, underground retail malls, power plants, and large industrial and mining businesses all use fire-resistant cables for fire protection and fire rescue. Power supply and control cables for firefighting facilities, for example. What Is Fire Rated Flexible Cable and How Does It Work? There are two types of Fire Rated Cable : class A and class B. Class B cable can endure a flame temperature of 750°C to 800°C and a rated voltage of at least 90 minutes without breaking. It can be 950 °C 1 000 °C flame and rated voltage to withstand burning for at least 90 minutes and the cable is not perforated in the refractory layer to enhance the manufacturing process and expand the refractory layer and other ways based on Class A fire rated cable development. The performance of fire rated cable in class A is superior to that of cable in class B. Mineral insulate...